Thorough On-boarding
A look at the on-boarding of market leaders
This wee I’ve been exploring the on-boarding flows of market leaders to see what’s working and what isn’t. I wanted to research a really complex platform. Something that was a beast for any one person to take on and learn in just a day. And that was Airtable.
To my surprise Airtable provided the works. A short video to capture the gist of the platform and hint at really cool features, animated tutorials accompanied by spotlighted focus areas, and guided directions for getting started.
Airtable isn’t meant to be learned in a day. I left the platform still feeling overwhelmed from not accomplishing any real goal, but supported. What made me return was knowing the amounts of individualized support I could get. Airtable hosts webinars, a community educational space, guides, and the work for users to learn and then master basic to advanced moves.
For designers looking for a wide range of on-boarding features, check out Airtable. They are doing all the things right to get all spectrums of end-users being successful in their project management tasks.
David is a Product Designer at City of Wind Design, a design studio that specializes in serving startups through UX design & software development with a bias toward accessibility & sustainability. To learn more about David Pinedo visit: or follow @davidpinedo24 on Twitter.